Tuesday, October 22, 2013

My Dream Car

1969 Black Chevy Camaro Classic Custom Car Picture HD Wallpaper
My Dream Car

Let's start off this blog with my dream car. The 1969 Chevrolet Camaro. I love this car for two main reasons. First reason being it is old muscle car. I love old muscle cars and always have. Whenever I look at cars that would be a good fit for me, I check out the old ones first. There is just something about the power underneath the hood of those cars that get my engine revving. (Pun totally intended). I love the way old cars look which falls under both of my categories, the second category being looks. I especially love bright polished reds and bright blues on cars, with two white racing stripes down the spine of red cars. And if the rims are chrome, I freak out and say, "I need that car". Once, when I was 12, I was looking at old Camaros and I saw one that made me feel so happy inside that I had to run downstairs, with my computer, and show my mom and ask if I we could buy it. She was like, "Yeah sure...NOT", and I was sad and I asked why and she said it was because I wouldn't be getting my license for a while. I guess then I didn't really understand the concept that you shouldn't buy something until you are actually gonna use it. Oh well. 


  1. That's an awesome car, I see why it's your dream one!

  2. This is a great entry to start off your new blog. I love the the old cars, my dad even had a 69 Pontiac Tempest, he said he loved it.
