Sunday, December 1, 2013

Happy Thanksgiving

While I know this blog is dedicated to cars, I wanted to take a minute to give thanks for all that we have in life. Many of us living in the U.S. and other world powers are very lucky to have access to the technology ands luxuries that come with a good living. But we still must not take these for granted as many people in the world do not have luxuries such as iPads, 60" flat screens, and Air Jordans. We must also be thankful for all those serving our country over seas. They risk their lives every time they get out of bed in the morning. They don't know if they will ever see their families again, and some don't. Just take a minute tonight and thank whoever is up above. We have a lot more than most people, so try to do good with what you have. Most of all, I hope you had a great Thanksgiving!